Friday, December 14, 2018

Church Announcement

On the Sundays of December 23 & 30, our church will not be having Sunday morning Bible Study. 

Also, on those Sundays we will have one worship service starting at 11:00am. 

Please remind your class members of our Family Christmas Eve Service on Monday, Dec. 24 at 6:00 pm. 

This service is always a meaningful worship experience as we celebrate the birth of our Savior! 

Note: Children & grandchildren will get a special gift with their name on it if they email me their name by 12/16. We will also have extras for children in attendance who didn’t know about it.

Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas!


Thursday, December 13, 2018


Jesus came for our salvation
Luke 2:1-14

After the angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would have a child, Mary visited Elizabeth.  Elizabeth completed her pregnancy and gave birth to John the forerunner of Jesus.  Mary returned to Nazareth to prepare for the arrival of her baby, but political events happening in the region of Israel would shape the next chapter of her life.  She and her husband would have to make a journey to Joseph's ancestral home–Bethlehem.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Angels in the Bible

Angels are created beings whose primary function is to serve and worship God.  Unlike God, they are not eternal or omniscient.  The Hebrew word in the Old Testament is mal'ak,  and the Greek word in the New Testament is aggelos.  They both mean "messenger."

In classical greek literature a messenger served as a substitute for the superior who sent him and who the mythological gods protected.  Two or more messengers served to authentic the message and provide mutual protection.

Angels are God's messengers and servants.  They worship and praise him.  All of their activities are done in God's service.  They also serve to reveal God's truth to humans and to guide and protect those who follow God's will. Finally, angelic activity often is specifically connected to Jesus.  Angels are involved at four critical moments in Jesus' life and ministry:  His birth, temptations, resurrection, and second coming.

A Reflection of God

It is often said that man is created in God's image.  Man has long struggled to reconcile just how the human might be an image of God.  

Friday, December 7, 2018


Embrace God's Call on your life.

Luke 1:26-38

We interact everyday with much that we are clueless about – our technology is above most of our heads regarding how it works, many times even how to make use of it!

Mary, the mother of Jesus, surely didn't comprehend all that was about to happen in her life, but she trusted.  

Even without comprehending everything in God's plan, we can trust and embrace what he wants us to do.  

Saturday, December 1, 2018


Following God's plan will require change in our life, but it's worth it.

Matthew 1:18-25

It is just about that time of year when everyone begins thinking their New Year's resolutions.  People are constantly planning ahead. Joseph had plans for his life.  These included starting a family with his betrothed, Mary.  But God stepped in with a change of plans–and what a change of plans it was!   

Volunteer Sunday Breakfast Roster

Check our new breakfast roster in the menu tab at the top of the page, OR CLICK HERE

Sunday, November 25, 2018


The birth of Jesus was no coincidence, it was planned by God.

Isaiah 7:10-14; 9:6-7; 11:1-5

Some "coincidences" are not coincidence at all.  The Old Testament is full of prophecies that point to the coming of Jesus Christ.

Isaiah served as a prophet in Judah from about the 740s to the 680s B.C.  He served during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah.  In the reigns of the later kings Assyria was growing stronger and more influential and Isaiah recognized that God's people were, just like the Northern Kingdom of Israel, were being enticed by a worldly power rather relying upon God.

In Isaiah 7:10-14 not only did God promise a son–Immanuel–who would be born of a betrothed young woman, but he also promised the child would be born who would be the mighty God.

The Full Picture of Christmas

We will look at the full picture of Christmas in God's Word.  We will move alongside six individuals and groups and look at Christmas from their perspective.  Be prepared to discover details of this miraculous picture that you may not have noticed before.

Isaiah's Prophecy

Joseph's Obedience

Mary's Trust

The Angels' Announcement

Simeon's Proclamation

The Wise Men's Worship

Class Christmas Party

Christmas Party 
Dec. 21, 2018 

6:00 PM  

At the Butlers'
173 Camilla Circle
Bellville TX 77418.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

CSI Brenham Prayer List

This prayer listing is NOT all inclusive, but serves as a reminder of some of our prayer concerns.  

PLEASE ADD YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS as a comment and I will add them to our prayer list.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Amish Breakfast Casserole Recipe

Breakfast last Sunday was a HIT!  Georgann shares the recipe that she used for the Amish Breakfast Casserole!


Thursday, November 15, 2018

Our Response to a Gracious God

An overview of Malachi with a focus on:  MALACHI 3:7-12

The initial enthusiasm of their return from the Babylonian exile did not last.  High taxes by the Persians coupled with high inflation and famine resulted in extreme poverty.  The confiscation of property and debt slavery were widespread.  Even the priests lost their fear of the Lord and were just going through the motions.  Blaming God for their hard times all the people were being faithless towards God and one another.

Thursday, November 8, 2018


"How do you tell the same story year after year and keep it fresh?"  Frequently asked about some of the annual significant "Holy days" (holidays), the answer is actually simple.  Every year we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries.  It is the same story, the same celebration, the same day.  Celebrating significant events never gets old, we look forward to it!

As we conclude this study on Nehemiah we observe that...

Serving God includes celebrating his great work.
Nehemiah 8:9-12, 12:27-31a

Saturday, October 20, 2018


God's Word must be central to our lives to truly serve him.

Nehemiah 6:1-3, 15-16; 8:1-3, 5-8

As they rebuilt Jerusalem's walls, Nehemiah and the Jewish people learned the importance of focusing on God's Word.  Sometime during August/September, or September/October Nehemiah's enemies tried to distract him from his work.  They planned to harm him and were making up stories and offering false "peace talks" in order to lure Nehemiah out of Jerusalem and into their trap.  

Nehemiah ignored every advance of the enemy.  He kept his focus upon God's work and refused to be distracted by seemingly more noble purposes like peace or prosperity that were in reality traps and intimidations.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


As Christians, we cannot separate who we are from what we do.

Nehemiah 5:1-13

Nehemiah mobilized the residents of Jerusalem to accomplish a massive task.  Facing threats from outsiders, the people stayed secure in the city and prepared to defend against attack.  

But Nehemiah also defended against internal distractions, including social injustice. He worked to resolve injustices so that people could stay focused upon the tasks God had provided for them.

As seems so prevalent in our culture today, when there is a crisis looming humans often seem to take advantage of other humans.  They may loot, they may price gouge, they may lie, cheat and steal, but when humans put themselves first, as is often the case today, society suffers because of it.  

Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Power of Vision

The following is excerpted from the article The Transformational Power of Vision by Cindy Trimm, published in Charisma magazine, September 2018.  Cindy Trim is a best selling author and former senator.  She is a leader and a sought-after empowerment specialist.  It is excerpted for educational purposes.

Whatever you want to achieve, acquire or become, dream bigger.  You serve a great God who has great plans for your life, and you have His greatness in your DNA. ... The operative words here are "of God," meaning you come from God.  You were  born to be great.  You are wired for greatness.

The opposite of greatness is not just insignificance but also mediocrity.  When you settle for living a life of mediocrity, it is because you either refuse to believe in your greatness, you don't think you deserve better, or you've refused to challenge yourself to reach beyond the threshold of what is comfortable and familiar.  It is about failing to choose the best of what God has for you–but instead choosing to live among the clutter of the common not wanting to stick out for fear of being misjudged, misunderstood or rejected.

An average mindset is destructive because it will never challenge you to expand your horizons, think outside of the box or break out of a "don't rock the boat" state of mind.  The status quo is popular because it requires no discipline, nor does it require you to grow spiritually as you progress and prosper.

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Doing God's Work brings out detractors and opposition.

Nehemiah 4:1-3, 6-9, 14-18

Stories of perseverance often inspire us. Nehemiah embarked on a mission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, and God had done amazing things on Nehemiah's behalf.  Soon enough, however, the Jews encountered opposition that threatened to derail their efforts.  Opposition can hurt, but even more so if the attack is against an effort we believe is God's work.  Opposition arises when we take a stand.  It can especially arise when we take a stand for God and do His work.

Thursday, September 20, 2018


Serving God requires intentionality
Nehemiah 2:1-8, 17-18

In order to effectively construct something, anything, there must be some form of plan.  

As with any journey there must be at least four key components:

Saturday, September 15, 2018


Pour out your heart to God in prayer
Nehemiah 1:1-11

God is never annoyed by our heartfelt prayers.  God's "inbox" is never too full to take notice of our prayers.  You can't tire God with your prayers.  He is always there, with you.

In the face of heartbreaking news about the Jewish return and the status of Jerusalem Nehemiah was devastated.  Nehemiah poured out his heart to God in prayer. His prayer included acknowledging God's strengths and attributes, and confession about God's people's shortfalls, errors and sins.  It was a heartfelt conversation with God.

Nehemiah: Building a Life of Service

The book of Nehemiah provides a great example of the struggles and rewards of serving God.  This session will focus on "six Ps" that point the way to building a life of service.

     Session 1     Pray
     Session 2     Plan
     Session 3     Persist
     Session 4     Protect
     Session 5     Prioritize
     Session 6     Praise


Sunday, September 9, 2018

What Happens Next?

One day we will fully experience who God created us to be.
Revelation 21:1-8

The earth is just a temporary place for us to carry our out work for God while we are in our bodies (see body, soul, spirit).  God provides a permanent home where we will live with God forever.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

What Should we Do Now?

We do not live for ourselves; we serve God by serving others.
Acts 2:37-47

The greatest thing in life is being reconciled with God.  Salvation through Jesus Christ doesn't result in us immediately being taken up to heaven once we are saved.  We are left here on earth for a purpose.  We are saved to serve God.  As we serve others we imitate Christ who served us and met our deepest need.  Now it is our turn.  We're up!

Friday, August 24, 2018

Why Did Jesus Come?

Jesus came to remove our sin.
Luke 1:68-79

The events of Luke 1:5-67 demonstrate that God had already visited and provided redemption for his people. Redemption is a synonym for salvation and emphasizes an action initiated by a third party.  Think "paid your fine" or "posted your bail."

Thanks to the Internet, we have a fast and easy way to fix many of our problems. There is, however, one problem we can't fix on our own – the sin problem.  Our greatest problem is a broken relationship with God because of our sin – our choice(s). 

The enemies being referenced in these passages are sin, death, and judgment.  We can serve God without fear from enemies and those who seek to harm or hinder us.  We can enter into the presence of God because the Holy Spirit lives in us.  We cannot be separated from him.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Why Can't We Fix it?

Deuteronomy 5:32-33; Galatians 3:10-12, 19, 24-25

We are unable to live up to God's holy standard.

God clearly wanted humans to enjoy his blessings, so he established a standard for how they should live in relationship to God.  The Bible shows us how we can live and operate according to his standards:  "Follow the whole instruction that your Lord your God has commanded you."  Staying on this narrow path leads to blessing and salvation (protection and preservation) through a relationship with God.

What is this "whole instruction"? More than just the 10 Commandments, it includes ALL of God's laws, commands, statutes, ordinances, and instructions found in the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.  Want to see all of them?   Here is a listing of the seven Noahide Laws, the Ten Commandments, and the 613 Laws of Torah.  Make sure that you adhere to the spirit and the intent of all 630+ rules found in the Bible and never violate them, ever.  See what an impossible task this is?

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Why Are We In This Mess?

Genesis 3:1-7; 14-19

When playing any game you must first know the rules.  Those who are not up on the rules are doomed to fail at the game.

God laid out the rules for Adam, "the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die.”

God then created a corresponding helper for man.  Apparently, man communicated the rules to woman, but something went awry.  The woman quoted the rule as "“We may eat the fruit from the trees in the garden. But about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God said, ‘You must not eat it or touch it, or you will die.’”

The serpent, of course, raised a doubt in the woman's mind.  The woman saw that the fruit was pretty AND good for food, and imparted wisdom, she ate some, and gave some to her husband who was with her.  

Why Are We Even Here?

God created us to live in fellowship with God.  Each element of creation was deemed to be "good" or "helpful" to the purposes of God.

Humans were created on day 6 and all of creation was ranked very good,  very helpful, to God's purposes.

Creation, that which was deemed very helpful to God's purposes, was given to humans in which to live in fellowship with God.

Next session will demonstrate what we did with it and "Why are we in this mess?"

Why Are We Here?

The next six lessons begin a study on the most basic question of all  "Why are we here?"

Lessons this session look at:

  • Why Are We Even Here?
  • Why Are We in This Mess?
  • Why Can't we Fix it?
  • Why Did Jesus Come?
  • What Should We Do Now?
  • What Happens Next?

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Keep Standing

Esther 8:1-8; 9:18-22

Esther and Mordecai could have rested on their laurels.  The enemy of the jews had been defeated.  He was hung on his own gallows.  Esther was given the possessions of Haman and all of his wealth.  For his faithful service to the king, Mordecai was made second only to the king.  They "had it all," yet they did not simply stop and enjoy their newly gained freedoms, the continued to stand against the injustice of the plans that Haman had set into motion.

Something HAD to be done to prevent the agagites and other non-jewish groups from carrying out the destruction of the jewish culture in persia.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Stand Up & Speak

Esther 7:1-10

Be bold, but leave the results to God.

While Haman has been boasting to friends and family in his prideful arrogance, Esther has been humbly and thoughtfully preparing to make her stand.  Despite any fear at "outing" a rich and powerful nobleman (Haman) she thoughtfully and quietly makes her request–"spare my life, this is my request. And spare my people; this is my desire."

Esther points out that the actions implemented by Haman does not only enslave a people, but will actually destroy a portion of the entire citizenry that is the possession of the king.  In other words, Esther points out how the implementation of Haman's plan will actually cost the king, not to mention cost the life of the king's favorite, the queen.

Stand With Humility

Esther 5:1-14

Humility ultimately wins the day.

Humble: submissive, respectful, lowly in manner, modest, not self-asserting, obedient.

Esther might have been angry, outraged, mad or crated conflict like so many do today.  Haman was planning and had received approval to commit genocide against an entire race of people, Esther's people.

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Stand Down

Esther 4:1-3; 10-16

Surrendering to God leads to greater things.

Stand down:  relax or cause to relax after a state of readiness.

Esther and Mordecai were in a highly stressed situation, but before they took any action they stood down and sought God in prayer and fasting.  They grieved the injustice brought upon their people and took their laments to God.  God desires his people to trust him and surrender to his work.  Esther heroically fulfilled her duties.

There are three main types of fasting:  

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Stand with Conviction

It's always right to do the right thing.

Learn from Mordecai's example and make a difference when there is an opportunity to stand for what's right.  

Mordecai–Mordecai discovers a plot of two eunuchs against the king. Having informed the king through Esther of the conspiracy, Mordecai brings about the execution of the two conspirators, and the event is recorded in the royal chronicles (ib. ii. 21-23). Mordecai arouses the anger of Human by constantly refusing to bow before him.  The name "Mordecai" is explained by the Rabbis as a compound of the Aramaic form meaning "pure myrrh"). 

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Be Ready to Stand

Esther 2:5-10; 15-17

When have you been in the right place at the right time?  The point of this lesson is that God is always at work behind the scenes.

As we look at the story of Esther a little historical perspective is in order:

Stand Up: How to Fight Injustice

God Chooses to work through ordinary people

We live in a world of injustice.  The book of Esther gives us insight into God working through ordinary individuals to provide for his people.

This six week study will review:

      Be Ready to Stand
      Stand with Conviction
      Stand Down
      Stand with Humility
      Stand up and Speak and 
      Keep Standing 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Jehovah-Tsidkenu (God is Righteousness)

Life is not fair.  But because God is Righteous, he will ultimately make all things right.

Here are some of the names of God that are mentioned in the Bible.  We have looked at six of them over the past weeks.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Jehovah Rohi (God our Shepherd)

Psalm 23:1-6
Jehovah-Rohi - Jehovah is Our Shepherd.

It is in the name Jehovah-Rohi (the Lord our Shepherd) that we find the most tender, most intimate relationship between Jehovah and His people.  Jehovah is the Shepherd of His People. David learned that God's people, those who seek ,trust, and obey him, are always in his presence.  God is always faithful to those who come under his authority and protection.

Do you know the joy of being one of His sheep? 
Jehovah-Rohi longs for a personal relationship with you. 

Child of God, are we following His direction, enjoying His protection, and relying upon His provision?  Are we longing for His return?

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Yahweh Shalom (The Lord IS peace)

Judges 6:11-16, 22-24

Gideon was a military leader, judge and prophet whose calling and victory over the Midianites are recounted in Chapters 6-8 of the Book of Judges in the Hebrew Bible.

God chose Gideon, a young man from the tribe of Manasseh, to free the people of Israel and to condemn their idolatry. The Angel of the Lord, or "the Lord’s angelic messenger came "in the character ... of a traveller who sat down in the shade [of the terebinth tree] to enjoy a little refreshment and repose" and entered into conversation with Gideon. 

In verse 6:24 Gideon builds and names an altar Yahweh Shalom– The Lord is our peace.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Yahweh Nissi (The Lord is my banner)

Exodus 17:8-16

At the beginning of Exodus 4, the Lord asked Moses, “What is that in your hand?” and Moses replied, “A shepherd’s staff”.   That staff was a foreshadowing of the name Yahweh-Nissi.  Moses’ staff was always with him.
In their first battle with the Amelekites, while Moses held up his arms, the Israelites were winning, but when Moses’s arms drooped, the Amalekites overpowered Israel. Finally, with Aaron and Hur supporting Moses’ arms, the Israelites triumphed over the Amalekites.
After the battle, Moses built an altar, calling it Yahweh Nissi, “The LORD is my banner.” Ancient armies often attached a banner or a flag to a pole as a focal point and a rallying sign for their troops engaged in battle. For Moses and the Israelites, their first battle on the way to the promised land showed that God was their banner. 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

YHWH Rophe (The Lord Heals; The Lord forgives, restores, repairs)

Exodus 14:29-31; 15:22-27

Jehova Rophe:  Yhwh heals

Found over 50 times in the Old Testament, healing often refers to physical healing but can also be used in the sense of forgive, restore, repair.

God seeks all of these if we will but carefully obey his principles, do what is right and just, pay attention to what he tells us to do and follow his spiritual laws.

He is the Lord who Heals

YHWH YR'E (The Lord sees; The Lord provides)

Genesis 22:1-14


  • walked together with his son
  • arrived
  • built an altar
  • arranged the wood that his son had carried
  • bound his son
  • placed him on the altar
  • prepared to slaughter his son as a burnt offering.
"Father the fire and the wood are here but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?"

God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering.

The Lord will provide:  Jehovah Jireh   YHWH YR'E 

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Shine the Light of Christ

You were once darkness ... now you are light in the Lord. ... Fruit of the light consists of all goodness, righteousness, and truth.

Don't participate in ... darkness.  Expose the works of darkness.  Everything exposed by the light is made visible.  

Excerpts from Ephesians 5:8-14

What is darkness?  
  • The absence of light.

What is light?
  • The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.  It is an electromagnetic radiation – energy.

What is spiritual darkness?

What is spiritual light?

Ma'at and the Ancient Egyptians