Friday, December 7, 2018


Embrace God's Call on your life.

Luke 1:26-38

We interact everyday with much that we are clueless about – our technology is above most of our heads regarding how it works, many times even how to make use of it!

Mary, the mother of Jesus, surely didn't comprehend all that was about to happen in her life, but she trusted.  

Even without comprehending everything in God's plan, we can trust and embrace what he wants us to do.  

Luke begins his story of Jesus' birth with a woman who was of advanced age and barren.  She miraculously conceived a child with her husband Zechariah.  Now her cousin Mary, who was young, and a virgin, would also conceive.  

Mary was told by the Angel Gabriel of  God's plans for her. Mary felt deeply troubled and perplexed by the announcement, but she accepted it, though curious about how it would be accomplished.

Why Mary?  God had a plan and Mary was the best instrument to accomplish that plan.  So God chose Mary to carry the plan forward.

Gabriel revealed four realities about her miraculously conceived son, Jesus:  
  • He would be GREAT – considerably above the normal or average person.
  • He would be THE SON OF THE MOST HIGH – the God of Israel.
  • He would be given THE THRONE OF HIS ANCESTOR, DAVID.
  • He would REIGN over his kingdom forever.
In response to her request for more information, Gabriel encouraged Mary to trust the power of God. The creative energy of the creator God of the universe would be put to use in an extremely rare way to cause Mary to become pregnant. 

Mary responded favorably and surrendered to God's plan and purpose for her life.  While she wondered at the "how" of God's plan she did NOT question the "why" of God's plan.  She trusted that God would deal with her as needed and that it served a purpose greater than ordinary life.  She joyfully submitted to God's Word in her life and trusted God's presence as the Holy Spirit in her life.  

We can do the same.

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