Saturday, December 1, 2018


Following God's plan will require change in our life, but it's worth it.

Matthew 1:18-25

It is just about that time of year when everyone begins thinking their New Year's resolutions.  People are constantly planning ahead. Joseph had plans for his life.  These included starting a family with his betrothed, Mary.  But God stepped in with a change of plans–and what a change of plans it was!   

Joseph and Mary were betrothed, a process similar to our modern engagement, except it was a legally binding contract that required a divorce to break.  No sexual relations were permitted during this phase of the relationship. 

Joseph was a descendant of the House of David, a member of a noble house.  Mary was a descendant of the levitical lineage of the High Priesthood. Yet another reason for Jesus to be considered a "priest/king."

Joseph was a righteous man.  He was older than 13 years of age and he was of good moral character and abided by God's law.  Before he had the opportunity to fully marry her, the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and supernaturally made her become pregnant.  In old testament times, death by stoning was the prescribed punishment for such a situation, but by the time of Jesus' birth a private divorce ceremony with merely two witness was allowed.  After his marriage plans changed, Joseph planned to pursue this private divorce.  But God again changed Joseph's plans.

In a dream, God warned Joseph that the baby that Mary carried was created by God, that he was going to be a boy child, that he was to be named Jesus, and that he will save his people from their sins.  While God used dreams occasionally in the New Testament, God used them extensively when dealing with Jesus: The Wise men were warned in a dream to not return to Herod, Joseph was warned in a dream to take his family to Egypt, and to return to Israel after the death of Herod, Pilate's wife was warned in a dream to tell her husband to have nothing to do with Jesus' trial.  Both Joseph and Mary had communications in dreams about their family.

BOTH were told, in separate dreams, that the baby was a boy and that his name was to be Jesus, a common name, the same name as Joshua or Jeshua.  Joseph obeyed the Lord by taking Jesus as his own child, aligned himself with God's plans, and embraced God's disruption in his life in order to experience the abundance of God.  In doing so he got to hold the Son of God in his hands.  He got to mold the early years of Jesus' life on Earth.

Following God's plan will require change in your life, but it's worth it! 


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