Saturday, July 7, 2018

Stand Down

Esther 4:1-3; 10-16

Surrendering to God leads to greater things.

Stand down:  relax or cause to relax after a state of readiness.

Esther and Mordecai were in a highly stressed situation, but before they took any action they stood down and sought God in prayer and fasting.  They grieved the injustice brought upon their people and took their laments to God.  God desires his people to trust him and surrender to his work.  Esther heroically fulfilled her duties.

There are three main types of fasting:  
  1. a partial fast involving a restriction in diet (dietary restriction);
  2. a normal fast abstaining from food, but continuing with liquid nourishment (dietary limitation);
  3. an absolute fast abstaining from all food or liquid nourishment (dietary abstinence).
Here are some guides from this week's study:

There are many kinds of heroes in this world, but none who make a significant an impact eternally as those who act in partnership with God.  Before acting, be like Esther and Mordecai, make your lamentation known to God and to others, seek the help of others for spiritual support, seek God's guidance through prayer and fasting.  

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