Sunday, July 22, 2018

Stand With Humility

Esther 5:1-14

Humility ultimately wins the day.

Humble: submissive, respectful, lowly in manner, modest, not self-asserting, obedient.

Esther might have been angry, outraged, mad or crated conflict like so many do today.  Haman was planning and had received approval to commit genocide against an entire race of people, Esther's people.

Instead, she remained humble, made her approach to the king in an humble and respectful manner, made her first request (IF you WILL grant my request then come to dinner tomorrow), she made her second request (save me, save my people).  

Haman, instead was swollen with pride, angry at perceived disrespect against himself, and plotted murder.

This passage demonstrates that thoughtful humility will win the day against emotional prideful arrogance.

It is a good lesson to learn.

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