Sunday, December 9, 2018

Angels in the Bible

Angels are created beings whose primary function is to serve and worship God.  Unlike God, they are not eternal or omniscient.  The Hebrew word in the Old Testament is mal'ak,  and the Greek word in the New Testament is aggelos.  They both mean "messenger."

In classical greek literature a messenger served as a substitute for the superior who sent him and who the mythological gods protected.  Two or more messengers served to authentic the message and provide mutual protection.

Angels are God's messengers and servants.  They worship and praise him.  All of their activities are done in God's service.  They also serve to reveal God's truth to humans and to guide and protect those who follow God's will. Finally, angelic activity often is specifically connected to Jesus.  Angels are involved at four critical moments in Jesus' life and ministry:  His birth, temptations, resurrection, and second coming.

Review the following Biblical information regarding angels and note your own observations regarding angels and their functions.

Genesis 19:1 – Angels visit Lot in Sodom.

Genesis 28:12 – Angels climb "Jacob's stairway."

Job 1:6 – Angels gather to present themselves before the Lord.

Psalm 103:20 – Angels obey the Lord's command.

Luke 2:13-15 – Angels announce salvation to the shepherds.

Matthew 4:11 – Angels minister to Jesus after the temptation in the wilderness.

John 20:12 – Angels sit in the empty tomb after the Resurrection.

Acts 12:7 – An angel rescues Peter from prison.

Hebrews 13:2 – Angels are welcomed as guests without us knowing.

Revelation 8:2 – Angels announce judgment.

Revelation 15:1 – Angels bring judgment.

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