Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Yahweh Shalom (The Lord IS peace)

Judges 6:11-16, 22-24

Gideon was a military leader, judge and prophet whose calling and victory over the Midianites are recounted in Chapters 6-8 of the Book of Judges in the Hebrew Bible.

God chose Gideon, a young man from the tribe of Manasseh, to free the people of Israel and to condemn their idolatry. The Angel of the Lord, or "the Lord’s angelic messenger came "in the character ... of a traveller who sat down in the shade [of the terebinth tree] to enjoy a little refreshment and repose" and entered into conversation with Gideon. 

In verse 6:24 Gideon builds and names an altar Yahweh Shalom– The Lord is our peace.

Shalom is not just an absence of noise or strife. The meaning goes deeper than just the absence of conflict or being calm.  Shalom speaks of wholeness, harmony, and completeness. Shalom is not dependent on circumstances. True peace comes only from complete trust in the Lord in all areas of our lives.

True shalom comes when one abides with God in a covenant relationship because He alone gives complete satisfaction, fulfillment and harmony with Himself and others. The ultimate peace is peace with God.

Philosopher Cornelius Plantinga explains shalom like this: “In the Bible, shalom means universal flourishing, wholeness and delight — a rich state of affairs in which natural needs are satisfied and natural gifts fruitfully employed, a state of affairs that inspires joyful wonder as its Creator and Savior opens doors and welcomes the creatures in whom He delights.” Shalom comes from living in harmony with God.  Such harmony bears fruit – “harmony with others, prosperity, health, satisfaction, soundness, wholeness and well-being.” 

That’s what we long for in our journey toward physical and spiritual health: flourishing, wholeness, and delight. 

A relationship with the Lord IS such wholeness.

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