Thursday, October 4, 2018


As Christians, we cannot separate who we are from what we do.

Nehemiah 5:1-13

Nehemiah mobilized the residents of Jerusalem to accomplish a massive task.  Facing threats from outsiders, the people stayed secure in the city and prepared to defend against attack.  

But Nehemiah also defended against internal distractions, including social injustice. He worked to resolve injustices so that people could stay focused upon the tasks God had provided for them.

As seems so prevalent in our culture today, when there is a crisis looming humans often seem to take advantage of other humans.  They may loot, they may price gouge, they may lie, cheat and steal, but when humans put themselves first, as is often the case today, society suffers because of it.  

It was similar with Nehemiah's project.  Many were pulled off of their land surrounding the city in order to rebuild the city walls.  Their farms were suffering because of it.  A famine had hit the region and grain prices skyrocketed as agriculture came to a grinding halt.  Workers were compelled to mortgage their properties to pay the inflated grain prices AND the king's taxes upon their farms.  It was a double and triple whammy for many in Jerusalem.

Last week we learned that DESTRUCTORS tend to respond with emotion, mocking, ridicule and the creation of doubt.  Nehemiah, a CONSTRUCTOR, responded to this present problem with emotion, but rather than taking the easy road of mocking, ridicule and doubt he got angry and then responded thoughtfully, and willfully.  In other words, rather than react emotionally he responded thoughtfully and willfully and set a new course to work to solve the problem.

As a result of thoughtful and willful action the problem was resolved.

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