Sunday, November 25, 2018


The birth of Jesus was no coincidence, it was planned by God.

Isaiah 7:10-14; 9:6-7; 11:1-5

Some "coincidences" are not coincidence at all.  The Old Testament is full of prophecies that point to the coming of Jesus Christ.

Isaiah served as a prophet in Judah from about the 740s to the 680s B.C.  He served during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah.  In the reigns of the later kings Assyria was growing stronger and more influential and Isaiah recognized that God's people were, just like the Northern Kingdom of Israel, were being enticed by a worldly power rather relying upon God.

In Isaiah 7:10-14 not only did God promise a son–Immanuel–who would be born of a betrothed young woman, but he also promised the child would be born who would be the mighty God.

Isaiah 9:6-7 notes that his reputation, his character, would be that of:

  • wonderful counselor
  • mighty God
  • eternal father
  • prince of peace
This child would, at one time, be almighty God, the creator of the universe; the son, the prince, of peace; and a wonderful counselor.  Sounds like the trinity – eternal father/creator, the son of God who reconciles humankind to God, and the mind boggling spiritual wisdom provided by the Holy Spirit.

God also promised a descendent of Davit who would be a righteous judge.  Isaiah 11:1-5 notes that he would arise from the family tree of Jesse which would be at that time little more than a family "stump."    The Spirit of the Lord–a spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel and strength, knowledge and respect of God.  He would not be swayed by human ideas, but by Godly ideals.  He not only would "talk the talk", but he would "walk the walk" as well.  

God himself would come and demonstrate to humanity how God desired for humans to live on this earth.  It was no mere coincidence, no mere "nice story" that the Christmas  prophecy came to pass.  It was God's plan that he designed so that ANY HUMAN who desired to learn God's ways could do so.

It is no coincidence that Christmas begins with the story of a baby.  The mighty God, eternal father, and wonderful counselor was born as a human–the prince of peace, just has God had told Isaiah some 800 years prior. 

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