Friday, August 24, 2018

Why Did Jesus Come?

Jesus came to remove our sin.
Luke 1:68-79

The events of Luke 1:5-67 demonstrate that God had already visited and provided redemption for his people. Redemption is a synonym for salvation and emphasizes an action initiated by a third party.  Think "paid your fine" or "posted your bail."

Thanks to the Internet, we have a fast and easy way to fix many of our problems. There is, however, one problem we can't fix on our own – the sin problem.  Our greatest problem is a broken relationship with God because of our sin – our choice(s). 

The enemies being referenced in these passages are sin, death, and judgment.  We can serve God without fear from enemies and those who seek to harm or hinder us.  We can enter into the presence of God because the Holy Spirit lives in us.  We cannot be separated from him.

One of the purposes of God sending his messiah was to redeem his people from fear. Having received forgiveness of all their sins, reconciliation with God, and adoption as sons and daughters of God, believers have no need to fear.  Believers have the privilege of serving God without fear.

As sinners we were considered enemies (opposers of) of God.  The word peace comes from a term meaning to join–peace occurs when we are rejoined or reconciled to God.  Righteousness comes from a Greek root that means just or right and reflects conformity to a standard.  Righteousness adds the element of a person's behavior toward other people.

We need to stop using spiritual duct tape to mask our sin problem.  Embed the truth in your mind that nothing you might fear can separate you from Christ and his love.  Share the truth with others who are spiritually broken.

Share the good news:
  • We are all sinners. (Romans 3:23)
  • Because of his great love, God sent his only son Jesus to die for our sins. (Romans 5:8)
  • Jesus paid the price for your sin and mine by giving his life on a cross and rising from the dead. (Romans 6:23)
  • It is God's grace that allows you and me to come to him, not anything we can do. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
  • We must turn from sin and toward faith in Jesus in order to receive the gift God is offering us. (Romans10:9-10)
We are a people who love to fix things ourselves, but when it comes to sin, we can't do it. Thankfully, we don't have to because Jesus removed our sin for us.  Jesus made it possible for us to be forgiven and freed from sin.

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