Sunday, August 19, 2018

Why Can't We Fix it?

Deuteronomy 5:32-33; Galatians 3:10-12, 19, 24-25

We are unable to live up to God's holy standard.

God clearly wanted humans to enjoy his blessings, so he established a standard for how they should live in relationship to God.  The Bible shows us how we can live and operate according to his standards:  "Follow the whole instruction that your Lord your God has commanded you."  Staying on this narrow path leads to blessing and salvation (protection and preservation) through a relationship with God.

What is this "whole instruction"? More than just the 10 Commandments, it includes ALL of God's laws, commands, statutes, ordinances, and instructions found in the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.  Want to see all of them?   Here is a listing of the seven Noahide Laws, the Ten Commandments, and the 613 Laws of Torah.  Make sure that you adhere to the spirit and the intent of all 630+ rules found in the Bible and never violate them, ever.  See what an impossible task this is?

The law was designed to do MORE than just give us 600+ rules to tell us HOW to live.  It was intended to show us the futility of thinking that we are good enough to earn the favor of God.  These laws point us to the fact that we CANNOT live the kind of life we were intended to live– a life of perfect obedience.  I like to contemplate these laws as God kind of saying:
"Look I gave you one rule and the choice to obey or not.  You couldn't do it.  You want to know a part of what my standards are?  Here are 600+ standards that you can TRY to live up to.  WHEN you fail, I [God] have an alternative for you... trust ME.  It's all that I wanted anyway."
The law can't give us the Holy Spirit, nor can it bring us into a right relationship with God, nor can it save us; it can only serve to show us that we FAILED to live up to God's standards.  The law served this purpose until "the Seed to whom the promise was made could come."

Remember the curse given to the serpent that the offspring of the woman would "crush your head and you will strike his heel?"  From the very beginning, in the Garden, God told us that a human (offspring of a woman) would come to demonstrate the how and whys of a right relationship with God.  This is the good news (Gospel) of Jesus (Yeshua) the Christ (Messiah – the promised "offspring of a woman").

We're broken.  We can't live up to God's standards, not 100% of the time.  We need to TRUST that God has an alternative and achievable way for us to "live up to this standard."  We need to trust and follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the one who can fix us by demonstrating that trusting God and being in a relationship with God through that trust is the only way that we can be "fixed."

It all boils down to desire and intention.  Do we desire to be in fellowship with God, or do we desire to "do our own thing and be left alone"? [be careful for what you wish!]  Do we intend to fellowship with God, or do we just "go through the motions so that everyone else will think that we are in fellowship with God?"

Just as in the Garden, there is only one choice.  What will you choose? Fellowship with God, or just being left alone.


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