Saturday, August 11, 2018

Why Are We In This Mess?

Genesis 3:1-7; 14-19

When playing any game you must first know the rules.  Those who are not up on the rules are doomed to fail at the game.

God laid out the rules for Adam, "the Lord God commanded the man, “You are free to eat from any tree of the garden, but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die.”

God then created a corresponding helper for man.  Apparently, man communicated the rules to woman, but something went awry.  The woman quoted the rule as "“We may eat the fruit from the trees in the garden. But about the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, God said, ‘You must not eat it or touch it, or you will die.’”

The serpent, of course, raised a doubt in the woman's mind.  The woman saw that the fruit was pretty AND good for food, and imparted wisdom, she ate some, and gave some to her husband who was with her.  

Eve may have made the "first decision to doubt God's word", but her "husband was with her."  BOTH individuals are responsible for their choices.

Last session showed us that creation was deemed good or very good for God's purposes, that is, helpful or very helpful.  Now the humans had the capability not only to choose what was helpful to God's purposes, but they now had the ability to choose things "harmful to God's purposes."  Indeed, as the serpent noted, "their eyes were opened" and "like God [they were] knowing good and evil."  

There were, of course consequences for "breaking the rules."  Humans could choose things harmful to God's creative purposes.  The consequences of their actions now brought:

For woman:
  • Intensified labor pains in child bearing.
  • the desire to dominate her husband (be the most important or conspicuous person or thing).
  • conflict between submission and domination

For man:
  • Painful labor in working the ground
  • the desire to dominate the land (be the most important or conspicuous person or thing)
  • conflict between man and the land.

Harmful choices lead to: 

Desire to Dominate

Why are we in this mess?  Because we choose to make choices harmful to the purposes of God.  As a consequence, we work harder, desire to dominate our environment and those around us, and live in conflict.

But one human in history has shown us that it CAN be done – to consciously choose things that are helpful to God's purposes.  

Next week:  Why Can't We Fix It?
WORD STUDY – teshuqah

In Genesis 3:16 God says to the woman:

“I will greatly multiply  Your pain in childbirth,  In pain you will bring forth children;  Yet your desire (teshuqah) will be for your husband,  And he will rule over you.” NASB

The Hebrew word teshuqah, now almost universally translated as desire, was previously rendered as turning or a returning as in "answering to".  The word can mean longing, desire, attraction, affection, it is not, however, connected with a desire to control.  In the Greek Old Testament, teshuqah is translated as apostrophÄ“ meaning a turning away.

In Genesis 3:16 God is telling woman the consequence (curse) of her disobedience. 

Man was assigned a function and purpose, and woman was assigned a function and purpose. In the beginning they were given joint authority over the earth and all the living creatures (the beasts).  Man and woman were meant to be coheirs of the creation and image bearers of Elohim. In other words, they were meant to master the creation together as godly stewards, not as controlling tyrants.  It is only by working in tandem as “one” that they most effectively accomplish God's purposes.They are one flesh and are equal; it takes both a man and a woman to display the image of Elohim.

Women have an additional teshukah that men do not have. All of mankind (men and women) have the desire to eat, sleep, procreate, and expand their territory. But, women have an additional teshukah for their men; that is to be the helpmeet. This is the way women are wired.  The text is clear that woman was designed to be man's helpmeet, which is an aid, protector, rescuer, boundary setter, and guide. This is far from a mere domestic assistant. 

Sin frustrated this design. Through toil and with sweat man will now strive to cultivate the ground. Just as the ground will not effortlessly yield to man's labor, man will not now easily relent to woman's role as his helpmeet.  There will now be a power struggle as fallen man seeks to subjugate woman.  Woman's role to be Man's helpmeet is now problematic. The tension between men and women will be as thorny as the cursed ground. 

In Genesis 4:6-7 we see that God tells Cain "If you do what is right, won't you be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door.  It's desire is for you, but you must rule over it."

God explicitly states to Cain that it is possible to master sin and that this IS the will of God. In other words, man was NOT created to be ruled or mastered by their instinctive animal drives. Humans are meant to be governed by the teachings of God. We live by God's words, not our fears or fleshly appetites.

Man ruling over woman is a curse, not a commandment. Woman's desire to be Adam’s  helpmeet isn’t evil or sinful. This purpose and function is at the core of every woman.  However, men will resist this function of their wife. This isn’t the design or will of the Creator. This is why a redeemed man must master his desire to resist his wife’s role. Likewise, a woman must not let her desire to be the man’s helpmeet control or undermine the relationship. She must allow the Spirit of God to bring healing in God's timing.

Cain is told that he SHOULD master sin. It is our unbridled passions, desires, and beastly urges that cause us to sin. These urges aren’t evil or sinful in and of themselves; however, if they control or rule our life, they lead us to commit sin. They are only concerned with self. This is why we need the Word of God to set the proper boundaries for living as a human created in the image of God.

To rule/master is also present in these verses. Who rules is the real question. If man is ruled by his animal instincts he will walk  in the curse and subjugate his wife in tragic animalistic fashion. Animal instincts crave power to benefit only ones’ self. There can be no self-sacrificing love or protection given by an instinct ruled person since his heart is only focused on self preservation.

However, a redeemed human has relinquished himself over to the Creator. He or she is no longer guided by fear and the fleshly instincts, therefore, he or she is free to forgive and love his wife— even sacrifice his or herself for their helpmeet. Any authority granted to man is used to benefit his wife, not to control her. This is how a restored and redeemed relationship functions. This is unity and oneness. 

There is but one Master, YHWH; but our materialistic fleshly instincts will try to usurp God's authority and rule. If we allow this to happen, we are nothing more than a beast. By trying to “rule”, we only enslave ourselves to death and destruction, a curse.

Serve God by knowing and keeping His word. If God blesses you with a helpmeet, treasure this gift; there is no need to fear her or control her. She’s perfectly suited to guide, nourish, and protect you (inwardly) just as you are perfectly suited to do these same things for her (outwardly).

The only thing we are meant to rule is the creation and its creatures. The only thing we are meant to master is the animal within us all. If we fail to do so, we become cursed, enslaved like a beast. 

We must choose whom we shall serve. Will it be God? Will it be some false god? Or will we serve ourselves?  

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