Sunday, July 29, 2018

Keep Standing

Esther 8:1-8; 9:18-22

Esther and Mordecai could have rested on their laurels.  The enemy of the jews had been defeated.  He was hung on his own gallows.  Esther was given the possessions of Haman and all of his wealth.  For his faithful service to the king, Mordecai was made second only to the king.  They "had it all," yet they did not simply stop and enjoy their newly gained freedoms, the continued to stand against the injustice of the plans that Haman had set into motion.

Something HAD to be done to prevent the agagites and other non-jewish groups from carrying out the destruction of the jewish culture in persia.
Though they couldn't overturn Haman's decree they could now alter it and they did so so that the Jewish people would "have a chance" against the hordes that would soon come after them.

The Jews commemorate the feast of Purim as a result of the efforts of Mordecai and Esther.  Mordecai and Esther took a stand against injustice.  They continued to stand on the behalf of others when the injustice continued to threaten others.

Stand against injustice and keep standing.

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