Sunday, September 9, 2018

What Happens Next?

One day we will fully experience who God created us to be.
Revelation 21:1-8

The earth is just a temporary place for us to carry our out work for God while we are in our bodies (see body, soul, spirit).  God provides a permanent home where we will live with God forever.

Revelation points out that there will be a "new heaven and earth" because what we know know as earth will pass away ["Earth" is an Old English word for "ground, soil, dirt, dry land; country, district," also used for "the (material) world, the abode of man" (as opposed to the heavens or the underworld)].

There will be a new heaven and a new earth.  The "heaven" referred to here is not the abode of God, but is most likely referring to everything "above" the earth–clouds, sky, atmosphere, celestial bodies).

There will be no more sea.  My favorite conceptualization of this is that since the sea represented chaos to the ancients this is one way to say there will be no more chaos.

There will be a new Jerusalem.  Rather than a city designed by humans this new Jerusalem (place of peace) has been designed by God and will sent down by God to be a part of the earth he has renewed.

There will be a new way of life.  "God's dwelling is with humanity, and he will live with them."  Living with God results in a new way of life, because if lifestyle doesn't change then one is most likely not "living with God."

God freely gives salvation (freedom to live with God rather than living without God) to anyone who asks.  Just as with humans, God desires to live with those who desire to live with God.  Those who don't desire to live with God are free to live their lives alone, by themselves, searching for something to fill the place of desire for God.

Because those who desire NOT to live with God are granted their wish of living separate from God the unrepentant (unsaved, those who choose to live without God) are not forced into living in heaven.

By choosing God we are choosing to experience who God created us to be.

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