Thursday, April 25, 2019

He Said What? Hard Sayings of Jesus

Most of us are familiar with the things Jesus did:

  • walking on water;
  • feeding thousands;
  • healing
  • dying on a cross.
We equally familiar with many of the things he said:
  • Love God;
  • Love your neighbor;
  • Fear not;
  • Do good.
But Jesus said some things that don't end up as framed prints on our walls:
  • Sell everything you own;
  • Love your enemies;
  • Hate your parents.
We will dive into these hard teachings over the next seven weeks.  We will look at:
  • God won't forgive this sin
  • You'll never die
  • Sell everything you own
  • Love your enemies
  • Let the dead bury their dead
  • Hate your family
  • Exploit your friends.
It should be an eye opening experience.

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