Thursday, April 11, 2019


Obedience is the key to a full life
Ecclesiastes 11:7-10; 12:12-14

Contentment:  That happiness which consists in being satisfied with present conditions.

Obeying God is the only way we can find real meaning, purpose, and joy in life.  

Light drives out darkness.  Darkness relates to fear and sorrow, while light highlights joy and satisfaction.  Life is a gift from God, so it should be enjoyed.  Rather than pursuing what the people of the world determines to be a life with meaning, it makes more sense to find true contentment in pleasing the One who made us and loves us more than we can imagine.

Solomon encourages us to remember that the "days of darkness", a euphemism for death, are a reality for all of us.  Stacked up against all of eternity, our physical bodies will be dead a lot longer than they will have lived.

Some refuse to think about death and put too much emphasis on this life.  Others are so obsessed with death they miss out on the joy this life can provide.  Both extremes run contrary to the healthier position encouraged by Solomon.  Wisdom allows us to enjoy what's available now while maintaining an eternal mindset.  Because human life on earth is so short we don't have time to waste a single day of it.

Solomon's studies into the meaning of life concluded that life without God in it is empty.  God is omniscient (completely knowing), omnipotent (completely powerful), and omnipresent (completely present).  So the real futility in life is acting like we can fool him. 

Solomon concluded that for all humanity just two actions are necessary:  1) fear (respect) God and 2) keep his commands (do what he tells you).  Jesus said "If you love me you will keep my commands."  Full contentment comes with a healthy respect for the creator of the universe and the desire to seek to do what he tells you, ALL that he tells you.

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