God does not forgive those who reject and never seek the forgiveness of God.
Matthew 12:22-32
"I'm a good person. God is a loving God. God will bring me to heaven to live with him even though I seldom (if ever) do what he says, ignore him at every opportunity, use him as an emergency call button, and sometimes pretend that I don't know God or that God doesn't even exist."
Is being a "good person" in the eyes of human beings sufficient to ensure that one "gets into heaven?" Let's see what Jesus teaches about this.
In the passage today, Jesus recognizes and heals a demon-possessed blind man who was unable to speak. The crowds were astonished and wondered if he could be "the Son of David." David, the beloved king of Israel, father of Solomon the most wise and powerful king of Israel, was "the royal lineage" for the nation. The descriptor "Son of David", literally referring to a "prince of the lineage of David", often referred to the role of the expected Messiah–a descendant of King David who would rule over Israel as king forever. The crowd wondered if Jesus might be the expected messiah, the Son of David.
Pharisees, however, accused Jesus of being of "the ruler of the demons." Jesus pointed out the fallacy of their argument stating that those who fight against their own will be defeated. If one drives out demons by the spirit of demons, then how is it that some of the pharisees were driving out demons? And if by the Spirit of God the demons are driven out, then they can know that the kingdom of God IS at hand.
Jesus also pointed out that "anyone who is not with me is against me." Stated literally: whoever is not alongside of me is apart from me. Jesus stated that every sin and evil speaking would be forgiven by God if one desires it, but that "blasphemy against the Spirt will not be forgiven" ... ever.
The word blasphemy in Old Testament usage, applied to a more specific crime of refusing respect of Jehovah as the ruler of the Jews, comparable to treason. Akin to running around stating "God is not my ruler" and entertaining harmful things in order to be acceptable to the eyes of others.
Jesus points out that those who have the desire to NOT ever claim the Spirit of God as their ruler will get their desire. They will NOT be forgiven (given complete release from a penalty or obligation) by God. They will have to pay the price for the wages of the sinful (selfish) nature of the human – death and separation from God forever. You can almost hear the unspoken warning: "be careful what you wish for, because God will allow you to have it; even complete separation from him."
So, if the Holy Spirit (Spirit of God) is "not my ruler" what is one saying? The third person of the Trinity through whom God acts, reveals God's will, empowers individuals and discloses his personal presence. What are some of thing things that the Holy Spirit does?
The Holy Spirit:
- IS the Spirit of God and fully divine;
- inspired Biblical writers;
- enables us to understand biblical truth;
- exalts Christ, the material and spiritual manifestation of God on Earth;
- convicts us of sin, righteousness and judgment;
- baptizes every believer into the Body of Christ;
- cultivates Christian character, comforts believers and bestows spiritual gifts;
- guides and empowers believers in worship, evangelism and service.
So, if one believes "God is not my ruler" one is denying:
- the existence of God,
- the inspiration of God,
- the understanding of biblical truth,
- the existence of Christ,
- one's "conscience" (conviction of sin, righteousness and judgement),
- becoming a part of the Body of Christ,
- becoming like Christ,
- comforting believers,
- spiritual gifts and
- God empowered worship, evangelism and service.
In effect, blasphemy against the Spirit of God is claiming that I don't want to be guided by the Spirit of the Creator of the Universe to learn and grow closer to God; I would rather be alone, guided by my own experiences, and enjoy my own company...for eternity. It is literally choosing to be divorced from God.
Stated even more simply, blasphemy against God's Spirit is choosing to live like a demon (defined as "a spiritual being less than God"). It results in God granting the persons's choice – God's withholding complete release from a penalty or obligation (wages of sin) and in enforcing the penalty already pronounced upon Satan's followers – eternal death and separation from God.
YOU get to choose to be "married" to/with God, or "divorced" from God. Be careful of your life choices. God may very well let you experience the fruits of your desires, be they good or ill.
YOU get to choose to be "married" to/with God, or "divorced" from God. Be careful of your life choices. God may very well let you experience the fruits of your desires, be they good or ill.
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