Friday, November 19, 2021

Session 2: Sure of a Relationship


Sure of a Relationship 

When faced with unknowns, confidence and assurance can be lacking. In their place often come fear and doubt.  

When it comes to living the Christian way of life confidence and assurance are critical. John shows us how we can know that our relationship with God is on a solid foundation.

Church News

Operation Christmas Child shoebox volunteers have collected 2356 boxes(600 from our church!) so far, with more to come. Monday, 11/22, the boxes will be shipped out. On Sunday we will offer a dedication prayer that those boxes find a home in the hands and hearts of children who may hear of Jesus for the first time, but you may add them to your prayer list now.


Relocation Work day: Saturday, 11/20, will be a church work day at 8:00am at the temporary building on the new church property. Projects will include replacing ceiling tiles, laying a concrete block path to the new building and a painting project.  Bring gloves, knee pads, step ladders, wheel barrows, paint brushes, goggles, long-sleeve shirts, face covering/mask-flat shovels, utility knives or other working tools.

Ministry Volunteer Opportunities:   

Community Thanksgiving Meal – each year we join with Faith Mission to meet hunger needs and celebrate Thanksgiving. 


First Impressions – with more guests arriving each week we need YOU and your smiling face.  We have welcomed a lot of guests over the past three Sundays. This has also reinforced for us the importance of making sure we do a good job of welcoming guests. The First Impressions ministry offers different opportunities available to help welcome guests: Parking Team, Welcome Table Greeters, and Ushers. If you are looking for a place to serve on a rotation basis that will fill a great need we have or you’d simply like more information, please contact our associate pastor, Troy Sikes, at    


Special Meeting: Voting to reactivate Deacons who were off last year due to our rotation schedule. Sunday, 11/28, in both worship services.


The church office will be closed for Thanksgiving holidays Wednesday after Noon, Thursday 11/25 and Friday 11/26.


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