Thursday, July 25, 2019

THE POOR WIDOW: Faith that Gives

Luke 12:13-21; 21:1-4

Your giving reflects your faith and trust in Christ.

Our culture applauds philanthropy, but Americans give less than four percent of their income to charitable causes.  Unfortunately, the average church attendee also gives sparingly, giving less than four percent to his or her church.  We benefit when we give and trust Christ with our finances and needs.

Luke marks a shift in Jesus' ministry.  During his last year of ministry Jesus' focus was toward the cross.  Leaving Galilee, he traveled south toward Jerusalem, teaching large crowds and his disciples.  Much of Loke's material in these chapters is unparalleled in other Gospels.  Jesus' teaching on money and possessions and it illustration is called that Parable of the Rich fool.  An application appears in the story of the poor widow.

The widow's mite was the smallest and least valuable Greek coin used in Jesus' day.  Likely worth about  1/8 of a cent today or about 1% of a day laborer's wage. Using current wages in the United States, which averaged $11.26 per hour from 1964 until 2019, reaching an all time high of $23.43 per hour in June of 2019, the rough modern currency equivalent would be between a dime and a quarter for each working hour–or between $1 and $2 for each day's work in today's currency.

This widow's contribution of less than 2% of an average day's wage was still a greater percentage for her than was the large contributions of the more wealthy.  After all, 100% of 2% is a greater contribution than 2% of 100%.

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