Thursday, April 21, 2016

Song of Solomon: Week 6 The Art of Intimacy, Part 2

Song of Solomon chapter 4: 5-16
5 “Your two breasts are like two fawns, Twins of a gazelle Which feed among the lilies.
6 “Until the cool of the day When the shadows flee away, I will go my way to the mountain of myrrh And to the hill of frankincense. 7 “You are altogether beautiful, my darling, And there is no blemish in you. 8 “Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, May you come with me from Lebanon. Journey down from the summit of Amana, From the summit of Senir and Hermon, From the dens of lions,From the mountains of leopards. 9 “You have made my heart beat faster, my sister, my bride; You have made my heart beat faster with a single glance of your eyes, With a single strand of your necklace. 10 “How beautiful is your love, my sister, my bride! How much better is your love than wine, And the fragrance of your oils Than all kinds of spices! 11 “Your lips, my bride, drip honey; Honey and milk are under your tongue, And the fragrance of your garments is like the fragrance of Lebanon. 12 “A garden locked is my sister, my bride, A rock garden locked, a spring sealed up. 13 “Your shoots are an orchard of pomegranates With choice fruits, henna with nard plants,14 Nard and saffron, calamus and cinnamon, With all the trees of frankincense, Myrrh and aloes, along with all the finest spices. 15 “You are a garden spring, A well of fresh water, And streams flowing from Lebanon.” 16“Awake, O north wind, And come, wind of the south; Make my garden breathe out fragrance, Let its spices be wafted abroad. May my beloved come into his garden And eat its choice fruits!”

1) What is the verse for the woman to memorize, but for the man to never to quote?
2) “The ___________ ___________ can change your life and the ___________ can illumine your way.” 3) What are the ten points given on sex in marriage?
4) In Song of Solomon 5: 1 what is the word that is mention nine times?
I have come into my garden, my sister, my bride; I have gathered my myrrh along with my balsam. I have eaten my honeycomb and my honey; I have drunk my wine and my milk. Eat, friends; Drink and imbibe deeply, O lovers.”
5) On your honeymoon, you move _________________________.

Key thought
“Great sex takes great communication. In order for a married couple’s sex life to be fulfilling for a lifetime, they must talk.”

Memory Verse
“Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word is good for edification according to the need of the moment, that it may give grace to those who hear.” – Ephesians 4:29 

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