Thursday, April 7, 2016

Song of Solomon: Week 2

Song of Solomon: Week 2 
The Art of Dating

The art of dating begins with time. Once a person is attracted to someone, the dating process begins. The best kind of dating is time spent getting to know one another. Too many people move too quickly in the dating process. The goal of a great date is to build respect for one another. A person cannot respect someone if they do not know them. They cannot get to know them unless they spend time together. A great is not centered around entertainment alone, but around quality time in a safe environment. How does a person know if they like a person if they don’t invest the time to learn who they are? Dating is a process of time, cultivation and restraint.

Song of Solomon chapter 1: 8-17

8 “If you yourself do not know, Most beautiful among women, Go forth on the trail of the flock And pasture your young goats By the tents of the shepherds.
9 “To me, my darling, you are like My mare among the chariots of Pharaoh.
10 “Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments, Your neck with strings of beads.”
11 “We will make for you ornaments of gold With beads of silver.”
12 “While the king was at his table, My perfume gave forth its fragrance.
13 “My beloved is to me a pouch of myrrh Which lies all night between my breasts.
14 “My beloved is to me a cluster of henna blossoms In the vineyards of Engedi.”
15 “How beautiful you are, my darling, How beautiful you are! Your eyes are like doves.”
16 “How handsome you are, my beloved, And so pleasant! Indeed, our couch is luxuriant!
17 “The beams of our houses are cedars, Our rafters, cypresses.
2:1“I am the rose of Sharon, The lily of the valleys.”
2 “Like a lily among the thorns, So is my darling among the maidens.”
3 “Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest, So is my beloved among the young men. In his shade I took great delight and sat down, And his fruit was sweet to my taste.
4 “He has brought me to his banquet hall, And his banner over me is love.
5 “Sustain me with raisin cakes, Refresh me with apples, Because I am lovesick.
6 “Let his left hand be under my head And his right hand embrace me.”
7 “I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the hinds of the field, That you do not arouse or awaken my love Until she pleases.”

1) Romans 13:14, “...make no provisions for the ___________ in regard to its ______________”

2) 1 Peter 3:4, “...but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God.” What does it mean to be this kind of a woman?

3) Song of Solomon 2:4, “...and his banner over me is love.” According to the leader, what does this mean?

4) Song of Solomon 2:6, “Let his left hand be under my head and his right hand embrace me.” What does this portray?

5) Song of Solomon 2:7, “...that you will not arouse or awaken my love, until she pleases.” What does this mean?

Key thought
“Marry your best friend.”

Memory Verse

    “...that you do no arouse or awaken my love until she pleases.” Song of Solomon 2:7

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