Sunday, January 10, 2016

Jan. 17, 2016: God Pursues a Love Relationship with You

On Sunday Jan. 10, 2016 we began a Seven Truths of Experiencing God Sunday Bible Study Series

From January 10th through February 21st every class will be studying the 7 Truths from Experiencing God, and every department (Preschool-Adult) will work through material written by our ministerial staff.
This is but a brief summary guide.  Click "Read more" below.

As a child, did you ever play the game, “follow the leader?”
What was the object of the game?

As a child, did you ever play the game, “freeze tag?”
How was this game played?

In comparing these two games, do they have anything in common?  In each game, someone is pursuing, chasing, or following.  In each game there is a pursuit!

Have you ever feel like you are chasing after God?  Why or why not?
Have you ever felt like God was chasing after you?  Why or why not?

Define pursuit:  The action of following or chasing someone or something.

Define chase: to follow or devote one's attention to with the hope of attracting, winning, gaining, etc. 

Now, do you ever feel like you are pursuing God?
Do you ever feel like God is pursuing you?

What are some things that distract us from a growing relationship with God?

Read Jeremiah 31: 1-14

Verses 1-3 are statements of God’s loving covenant with all of his children.  Those who survive the exile will find favor and rest.  Why?   Because God has an everlasting covenant with Israel. (Gen. 12) 

Verses 4-7 give us some word pictures that illustrate the results of God’s goodness and restoration”   
     Music (tambourines) and dancing – joy 
     Planting of vineyards – provision and prosperity 
     Watchmen on the hills of Ephriam – Worship on Mt. Zion 

Verse 8 – No one will be exempt from God’s restoration, the blind and lame, expectant mothers and those in labor will experience God’s unconditional love. 

Verses 9-10 – The exiles left with tears of sorrow in their eyes and they will return with tears of joy.  God will lead them as a shepherd leads his sheep (Ps. 23).  Why?  Because he is a loving father. 

Verses 11-14 – these verses depict the fullness of God’s love relationship with his children” 
     Rejoice in his bounty – grain, new wine, young flocks and herds. 
     Fruitful, like a well-watered garden. 
     Comfort, Joy, Abundance. 

According to verse 1, who is speaking?  God

What is his declaration in verse 1?I   will be the God of ALL the clans of Israel and they will be my people.

According to verse 2, what will the survivors of the exile experience?  Favor and rest.

Verse 3 refers to God’s covenant with his people, what is promised by God? A loving eternal relationship.

According to verses 4-7, what are some word pictures that depict God’s faithful love relationship?

     Music (tambourines) and dancing – joy
     Planting of vineyards – provision and prosperity
     Watchmen on the hills of Ephriam – Worship on Mt. Zion

According to verse 8, do you feel that anyone is excluded from God’s gracious love?

Does verse 8 remind you of Jesus’ love and grace?  If so, is there a new testament sorry that illustrates it? 

What are some similarities between verses 9-10 and Ps 23?

In verses 11-14, what does God do for his restored children?  Provides bounty.  Produces fruit in their lives.  Produces a relationship full of joy, not sorrow or despair.

In this passage of scripture, who did the pursuing, God or Israel?  God pursued his children.

Why did God pursue Israel?  Love

Had Israel done anything to deserve God’s loving pursuit?  No (Eph 2:8)

As a result of his pursuit of the children of Israel, what would happen in the lives of those restored?

More often than not, do you feel it is your responsibility to pursue God?  Why or why not?

Do you have a hard time accepting the fact that God loves you and pursues  a love relationship with you?  Why or why not?

Can you list other times in the Bible where God pursued someone to demonstrate his love, purpose or plan?

What are the blessings of a love relationship with God through Jesus Christ?

Based on what we studied last week about God being at work around us, what are some reasons he pursues us?

As you think about your relationship with God, has God ever interrupted your life in his pursuit of a continuing love relationship?  If so, when?  What happened?

John 14:23-24  New International Version (NIV) 
23 Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them. 24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. These words you hear are not my own; they belong to the Father who sent me. 

John 6:44-45
44 “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them, and I will raise them up at the last day. 45 It is written in the Prophets: ‘They will all be taught by God.Everyone who has heard the Father and learned from him comes to me. 

NEXT WEEK:  God Invites You to Join Him

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