Sunday, August 13, 2017

August 20, 2017 – Life in the Community

The inheritance for those blessed by God is...    Matthew 25: 34-40

Community: from Latin communis meaning common, public, general, shared by all or many.

We all have basic human needs.
We are surrounded by opportunities to meet basic human needs.
Serving to meet the basic human needs of others is serving Jesus.
Serving Jesus is serving the Kingdom of God and results in "the inheritance for those blessed by God."

K    I    N    G    D    O    M     O F     G    O    D

N   a   t   i   o   n   a   l     G   r   o   u   p   s

S  t  a  t  e    G  r  o  u  p s

R e g i o n a l  G r o u p s

L a r g e  G r o u p 

S m a l l  G r o u p

Couple or family group


The individual may reach a limited number. 

The  family may reach a larger number

The small group may reach even more.

The local church even more.

Regional church organizations more still.

National denominations may reach very large numbers.

Worldwide organizations may reach ever larger numbers, helping them to understand 
that a relationship with God is necessary.


For the Kingdom of God will prevail.
 Every person will come to know that God is supreme over all. 

And it all starts here. One individual helping another, in the name of God.


Prayer Reminders: 
     ☐ James 1:27
     ☐ School starting soon for family, friends and teachers.
     ☐ Family members with life-impacting issues.
     ☐ Job opportunities for family members.

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