Sunday, July 23, 2017

East Vs. West

Today we touched upon the difference between eastern and western philosophy.  Here is a link to a site that discusses the topic in more detail for those who care to explore that subject matter.

Below are short summaries from that website. These are not authoritative and are offered only for the purposes of your exploration if you are interested.
Western society strives to find and prove "the truth," while Eastern society accepts the truth as given and is more interested in finding the balance.

Westerners put more stock in individual rights; Easterners in social responsibly.

EASTERN:  The true key is inside. The inner world of a human being and his or her ability to control and develop it is of the highest value. The way to the top is inside yourself, through self-development.

WESTERN: The main values are success and achievement. These that can be achieved in many ways, but rarely through developing inner strength. The majority of success and achievement criteria have an external nature. The way to the top is through active outside intervention.

EASTERN: A human being is an integral part of the universe and the society. People are fundamentally connected. Duty towards all others is a very important matter.

WESTERN: A human being has an individualistic nature and is an independent part of the universe and the society.

EASTERN:  Systemic approach – all events in the universe are interconnected.  Searching inside yourself – by becoming a part of the universe through meditation and right living.

WESTERN:  Focused on individual events and the role of the person.  Searching outside yourself - through research and analysis.

EASTERN: The truth is given is does not to have be proved.

WESTERN: The truth needs to be proved.

EASTERN:  Your future is determined by your deeds today.

WESTERN: Your future is unknown, it was predetermined by God and is not much influenced by your deeds.

EASTERN: Improvement is a never ending journey that has no limits.

WESTERN: Improvement has a goal. Development stops when the goal is reached.

EASTERN: Winning is inside yourself.

WESTERN: Winning is outside yourself.

EASTERN: Life is a journey towards eternal realities that are beyond the realities that surround us. Inner-world dependent. Self-liberation from the false "Me" and finding the true "Me."

WESTERN: Feeling oneself as an element of the Divine.  Life is a service. Everything has its beginning and its end.  Outer-world dependent.  Self-dedication to the goal.  "Me" is here and now. The true “Me” in every human being is a part of the Divine that needs to become apparent.

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