Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday, July 16, 2017; Victory Shared

We have concluded our series study on Victory, a study that looks at the victory we have in Jesus even beyond the salvation that will take us to heaven.  Beginning next week we begin a six week look at Identity: My Life of Faith.  Who we are and who we can be, our identity in Christ alters our identity in life. Our life of faith is our true, defining identity.

We will look at our life in Christ, in the church, at home, at work in the community and on mission.  Participate with us as we look at just how we are defined and how we may define ourselves.

Prayer List:

I am keeping descriptors vague and general as a reminder of needs discussed more than a to-do list to act upon.
  • Nancy for her loss.
  • Brother-in-law and sister, Bryan and Cheryl for their loss.
  • Three co-workers, two who are experiencing family distress and one with a brain tumor.
  • Work stresses caused by employees in distress.
  • Very bad case of poison ivy.
  • The growth and development of our class.

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