Thursday, September 1, 2022



  • No Sunday School September 4.
  • Church services for the next 2-3 weeks to be held at the OLD, DOWNTOWN SANCTUARY.
  • Sunday School on September 11, and for a week or two after, may be at some location in the old, downtown church campus. More info as it becomes available.
  • More information from Pastor Ross D. Shelton’s letter:

With the recent increase in humidity and rain outside, we noticed that our A/C systems were not seeming to dry out the humidity effectively inside, especially in the children’s wing and choir room.

As we have been addressing these issues with the A/C company, we noticed some mold growth on particleboard shelving in children’s ministry area and on some containers in the choir room. This sparked us to reach out to a licensed mold inspector. He tested areas where he saw mold on surfaces in the children’s wing and choir room, and he tested the air quality in ALL of the rooms of facility (children’s wing, Adult Sunday School classrooms, Worship Center, choir room, etc.).This is what he found:

  • The air quality was OK in the Commons, most of the adult Sunday School rooms, and in the office but not as good in some other areas, including the Worship Center. The air quality was such that the inspector recommended not having gatherings until the facility is properly cleaned/remediated.  
  • The mold found on surfaces is mainly a concern for those with allergies, but we want to ensure the safety for everyone.

We’re going to close off building to public gatherings (Wednesday nights, Sunday mornings, and Mother’s Day Out) until we fix the problem and remediate. This means that for the next two Sundays (maybe three….hopefully not!), we will meet in our former, downtown location for Sunday morning services. 

Sunday Schedule for Sunday, September 4th: Downtown Facility (304 North Market)

  • Because we’re having to do so much planning and shifting gears, there will be *no* Sunday School classes this Sunday. We will do some planning next week to see what Sunday, September 11th looks like.
  • We will meet for worship at our current times: 9:15 AM for the Traditional Service and 11:15 AM for the Contemporary Service.
  • We will have people present at our current facility to direct people to our downtown facility.

Our general contractor will be meeting with the engineering firm who did our HVAC systems to review the game plan about what needs to happen to make sure this never happens again. We provided the results of the tests to our general contractor.

We found this during our warranty period, so the costs of fixing the problem and remediation for this will fall upon whoever is liable (engineering firm, construction management firm, or manufacturer).

We are not certain how long it will take to do the cleaning, but we are hoping they will be out here next week. 

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