Saturday, August 20, 2022

A Short Message for Operation Christmas Child

Here is a reminder of how each person can be a part of Operation Christmas Child in our church this year.  It is such an amazing ministry that changes lives by giving children a picture of love through items prayerfully selected, hope, assurance of God’s love, and the opportunity to be discipled through the lessons in The Greatest Journey.

1. Pack shoeboxes at home. 

2. Build a shoebox online.  Go to, Operation Christmas Child, follow the links to Build a Shoebox Online.  Scroll down to "Search for a Goal Page" and type in First Baptist Church Brenham. That will take you to our church goal page.  $25 covers everything per box, including shipping.

3. Be a part of the whole church packing party that will be in the Commons on Sunday morning Nov. 13. You can either purchase items, and I'll let you know where and when to bring them, or contribute to the purchase of items.  All will be welcome to pack a box.

4. Help pay the shipping cost of $10/box.  

Here are the suggested items your class can individually purchase or collectively donate money, and our packing party team will make the purchases.  I am suggesting several items of differing prices not knowing how much your class wishes to contribute.  Just please let me know which items you want to cover so I can know what lists to give other classes.  Because we do not have a line item in the budget, please make checks out to either me, Doddie Messick, or Candy Arth.  She set up an account at BoB dedicated to our packing party expenses.  Thanks ever so much.

100 boxes crayons     @ $.50 each  (100 for $50).

100 Composition notebooks  @ $.50 each  (100 for $50).

Irish Spring soap (large pack of 12 bars) $6.97.  Perhaps your class could purchase 4-5 packages out of the 17 packages needed. 

Thank you so much for being a part of sharing the gospel through a simple shoebox.  Prayer and the love children see inside the box opens their hearts to hear the story of The Greatest Gift!!

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