Thursday, December 2, 2021

Sure of the Truth

The struggle for truth is real. However, here is good news (gospel). Absolute truth, in the sense of the meaning of faith, faithfulness, fidelity and loyalty to God, exists and is found in Jesus Christ!

No Sunday School 

Dec. 26, 2021 or Jan. 6, 2022

Weekly Church Update: 

Serve @ FBC: If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about ways to serve in and through our church, our next “Serve @ FBC” class will be this Wednesday, December 8th at 6:30 pm in room A110. People can RSVP by going to

His Name Shall Be: A Musical Event for the Christmas Season: Our worship pastor, Charles Covin, and everyone involved in our music ministry has been working for our annual Christmas musical presentation, which we see as a gift to our community. The performances will be Saturday, December 11 and Sunday, December 12  @ 7:00 pm.
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering: Every December we take up the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, which goes directly to funding missionaries internationally. Our church’s goal is $35,000. Special offering envelopes will be available on Sunday, and you will be able to give online as well (online giving will be set up tomorrow/Friday). During this month you will have opportunities to view different videos to see the work of missionaries, and this Sunday you will have the opportunity to pick up a seven day prayer guide. You can learn about the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions by going to  
Forward in Faith: Our Forward in Faith Campaign focus is two-fold: (1) provide funding to complete Phase One debt-free and (2) provide the initial funding (architect costs, etc.) for Phase Two (school, fellowship hall, etc.). You can learn more about this and stay updated about construction progress and funding needs by going to

Business meeting on Sunday @ 4:00: We will have our regular business meeting on Sunday afternoon at 4:00. We will be voting on the proposed 2022 budget from the Budget Planning Council and the following recommendations from the Nominating Committee for the following people to serve:
o   Nominating Committee: Howdy McCracken
o   Finance Committee: Blake Brannon and Heather Delso
o   Personnel Committee: Traci Gonzales, Ken Baker, and Kelley Hyman
o   Missions/Evangelism Committee: Rae Lin Ladd
o   Church Council: Colleen Kennedy and David Kuespert
o   Trustees: Robert Kennedy, Susan Appel, and Jarvis VanDyke
o   Treasurer: Debbie Goss
o   Clerk: Judy Bishop
o   Ad-hoc Relocation Committee: Kerri Hamilton and Nancy Fritz
Children’s Minister Search Committee: We are currently entering the path of discerning who God is calling here to be the next children’s minister at our church after Pastor Alex’s 17 faithful years. Our search committee is composed of Sean Holster, Merritt Johnston, Shane Nelson, Lisa Clark, and Corey Stegent. Please be in prayer for them and me as we discern who God is calling here.
Pray for Chad Marrs: Our youth pastor, Chad Marrs, is finally getting his chance to take a four-week sabbatical, which is offered to the pastors after seven years of services here. Please pray for him this month as he has this time of rest and refreshment.
Important Dates for Calendar:
o   Christmas Eve Service: Friday, December 24th at 6:00 pm
o   Sunday, December 26 and Sunday, January 2: One worship service at 10:15 am and no Sunday School on both Sundays

Stay Updated: 
o   Bulletin (updated each Friday):  
o   Calendar: 
o   Giving Page:


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