Thursday, April 15, 2021

NEW UNIT OF STUDY: Essentials of Christianity

 People are good at misunderstanding Christianity these days.  

Even believers can misunderstand some of the basics of the faith.  That is why it is important to focus on the essential truths. For the next 7 weeks we will look at the concepts mentioned in the video above and in the poster below.

This week we look at The Nature of God  and learn that 
God has revealed his composition as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

The Trinity has long confused many.  While some ridicule the concept of the Trinity as having three Gods and make use of the equation 1 (Father) + 1 (Son) + 1 (Holy Spirit) = 3 Gods, they fail to comprehend that since God is a unified entity the correct equation is 1 (Father) x 1 (Son) x 1 (Holy Spirit) = 1 God.  Its simple math.

The word "Godhead” is sometimes used to refer to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit as three divine Persons of one unified God.  The early church struggled mightily over the doctrine of the Trinity. They eventually reduced their belief to two short statements. God is: One in Essence; Three in Person.  

Come join us as we investigate God the Father, the Creator of all;  God the Son, the material human filled with the Spirit of God who became our salvation, and who exemplified that the human can be better than just a material animal; God the Holy Spirit, the incorporeal energy that fills, guides and comforts believers...if we will but listen.

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