Monday, August 24, 2020

Living with Hope in a Broken World

No Zoom Class Aug 30.

Because believers’ hope rests in Christ, knowing their hope in him cannot be shaken, they can approach the questions and challenges of life with confidence.  Our hope in Christ strengthens us to stand strong in a broken world.

Beginning in September, this six-week study in 1 Peter looks at hope.  Biblical hope is a unique experience. When your hope wavers or when you are tempted to place your confidence in physical things that disappoint, how can you remain anchored to Christ as your hope? 

Estimated date

September 6         Session 1    The basis for our hope

September 13       Session 2    The expression of our hope

September 20       Session 3    The testimony of our hope

September 27       Session 4    The endurance of our hope

October 4              Session 5    The joy arising from our hope

October 11            Session 6    The culmination of our hope

Bonus study

October 18    How should I respond to politics?

The Oct/Dec session will be a six week study from Ephysians: Why do I Need the Church? 

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