Thursday, December 12, 2019


The upcoming sessions will focus on Answers to Tough Questions:  Defending What You Believe.  

Everywhere you turn people are telling you what you should not do or say, or should do or say.  Say “Holiday Tree” not “Christmas tree.”  Say “Happy Holidays”  not “Merry Christmas”.  Say "America is a bad country and the other countries of the world are always better than our own country.”  Don’t be patriotic, don’t be God fearing, don’t have any faith.  Rely only upon yourself and that with which secular teachings indoctrinate you.  Be popular  don’t be correct, etc.

You get the idea.  This section will help to point us in the direction of defending our faith and beliefs using Biblical precept.  It can be hard to live out our faith in the middle of a culture of confusion.  A battle, a struggle between opposing forces, is raging in our hearts and minds.  In our culture the skeptics (those who doubt the possibility of certain knowledge, or even rational belief) have taken the microphone and are preaching to the ignorant that they should just stay that way.

People outside of the church hardly know the Bible at all, and even many believers do not know scripture as well as they could.  Many Christians are ill-equipped to provide the answers our culture and communities desperately need.

This study points us to look to God’s Word instead of Google for answers.  In angering tough questions we will discover how to defend our faith and point to THE Answer – Jesus Christ.

Sessions include:

Dec. 15 – Do We Need to Defend Our Faith?  – Jude 1-4, 20-25
     God can use you to show others the truth.

No Sunday School classes Dec. 22 or 29th

Jan. 5 – Is There a God?  – Psalm 19:1-6; 111:7-10
     God has given us ways to know he exists. 

Jan. 12 – Does Absolute Truth Exist? John 1:14-18; 8:30-32; 18: 36-38a
     Truth is found in Jesus Christ.

Jan. 19 – Is Jesus God? – Luke 1:26-35
     Everything about Jesus’ birth points to his divinity.

Jan. 26 – Aren’t All Religions the Same?  Isaiah 44:6-11; John 14:5-7
     A vast difference exists between faith in Jesus and all other religions.

Feb. 2 – What Proof Does My Testimony Offer? – Acts 26:2-5, 12-18, 24-26
     It is hard to ignore a changed life.

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