Monday, October 28, 2019

How to know God’s Will

For the next six weeks this will be the to know God’s will.

Everyone wants to live well, but life is FULL of choices.  Without knowing what the outcome will be how can we know what the best decision is?  What if we make a mistake?

God wants us to live well and HE does know the future.  If we allow God to be the navigator or our lives he is certainly capable to steer our lives on the course that is best for us.  

God doesn’t hide his will or make it difficult to find.  In this study we will examine what God’s Word reveals about how to know God’s will.

Our six lessons will be:

God’s Will and My Will  – Seek to align your will with God’s Will – Romans 11:33-12:2; Ephesians 1:4-6 
 God’s Will and the Bible – God gives us direction through his word – Psalm 19:7-14
God’s Will and the Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit will guide us in knowing Gods will – 1 Corinthians 2:6-16
God’s Will and the Church – God often reveals his plans for us through his church –  1 Corinthians 12:1-11
God’s Will and My Circumstances – God works on your behalf, even in seemingly random circumstances –  Romans 8:26-32
God’s Will and the Glory of God – We bring glory to God when we obey his will –  John 11:1-4, 38-45

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