Thursday, July 4, 2019

HANNAH: Faith that Prays

1 Samuel 1:1-2, 9-11, 17-18, 26-28; 2:1-3

Georgann teaches

Pray with confidence; God hears.

When problems arise, many become paralyzed with worry or angst.  Others determine to fix the problems themselves.  Unfortunately, not every situation in life is easily fixed or corrected.  In those moments, many just accept the situation or let worry take over.  But faith in God offers a far better approach:  trust.  Hannah shows us the value of exercising our faith in God by praying to him for the answer we need.

The book of 1 Samuel presents the historical bridge from the Judges until the death of Israel's first king, Saul.  Samuel's father was Elkanah; his mother was Hannah who was childless at that time.  She prayed confidently; God heard her prayer and gave her a son, Samuel.  As soon as he was weaned Hannah gave him to the Lord by delivering him to live and serve with Eli the priest.

The Hebrew word shalom commonly translated "peace" indicated a right relationship between God and others.  More than just the absence of physical conflict, it expressed a sense of wholeness of serenity and of life as it was meant to be lived. 

Seeking the will of God in every circumstance and having confidence that he is capable of meeting your needs can lead to a life lived as it was meant to be lived.

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