Thursday, June 13, 2019

RAHAB: Courageous Faith

Joshua 2:1-14

The power of God that leads us to fear him also leads us to trust him.

Fear of God–a healthy awareness and respect for the majesty and power of God–leads us to act wisely and to trust him who is also gracious and loving.

After Moses died, Joshua was installed as leader.  He send two spies to Jericho.  Rahab, an inhabitant of Jericho, demonstrated courageous faith in God by helping those spies.  The spies went to the local "house of entertainment" operated by Rahab.  Various translations describe her as a harlot or prostitute.  The word harlot describes one of no fixed occupation.  It is associated with the words describing "camp followers"–the wives and children who followed the army and were informal service providers of encamped soldiers selling goods or services such as cooking, laundering, liquor, nursing, sexual services or selling of other wares or services. Basically, Rahab was an entrepreneurial woman who did what she needed to do in order to survive in the world.

Rahab had heard about God, believed in him and his promises, and acted on her belief.  She knew who God was, is, and would continue to be.  Because she was in a position to hear the gossip of the common people, Rahab knew that thinking of the people and knew that God was going to prevail.  She assisted the spies and in turn they promised to look kindly and favorably upon her family.

It took courage for Rahab to mislead her government, but she put protecting the interests of God ahead of protecting her interests or that of her community.

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