Thursday, March 7, 2019


Ecclesistes 1: 1-7
Life without Christ is meaningless

What's the point?  

Solomon asked a similar question.  While some hold that Ecclesiastes is a "bummer" there is still much to learn from this "nothing new under the sun" book where all seems to be "vanity of vanities."

Solomon, the richest and smartest person in his world built an enormous empire, established trade with the surrounding nations and was a living encyclopedia of knowledge and wisdom.  He lived a life of unrivaled luxury and pleasure.  Yet with all that he had, he shows us that every single bit of it is nothing.  

The absolute futility of life, especially life without God, is a major theme throughout Solomon's reflections.  Jesus echoed this idea in His Sermon on the Mount.  He noted that instead of going our own way, we should pursue God first and foremost.  When we do that, the meaning and purpose we seek will fall into place. 

If we fall in the trap of being life merely from secular viewpoint, life will feel like an endless, monotonous hamster wheel.  Reset your perspective and view life from above the sun.

Ecclesiastes does have a positive light.  It is an example of the literary genre known as speculative wisdom.  The book has as its purpose the intent to counsel people to live for God, however speculative wisdom takes a different route than conventional wisdom literature such as Proverbs which reduce godly habits to maxims useful to everyday existence.  The negative evaluation of speculative wisdom is directed toward the misapplication of conventional wisdom.  

Apart from God, all life is futile.  The futility arises from their being done for personal advantage rather than for advancing God's purpose.  Instead of pursuing pleasure, money, human wisdom, wine, or other activities Ecclesiastes concludes that only a life spent with God at its  center would produce wholeness.  

The reputation that one earns in life will outlive the person themselves.  To successfully arrive at the day of one's death with one' reputation in tact was more celebrate than the day of one's birth.  For this reason one is counseled to remember their Creator in the days of their youth.  Habits formed in the prime of life will sustain people as they grow older and life becomes more difficult.

Do not invest too heavily in this things of this world where corruption and destruction will eventually catch up with them, respect God and observe and practice what God tells us is right, just, good.

Facts About Solomon

The tenth son of David and the second son of Bathsheba, Solomon became the third king of Israel and reigned for 40 years around 1000 BC.  

2 Samuel 12:24              
     Solomon is born to David and Bathsheba

1 Kings 1:32-40             
   David has servants declare Solomon's rule

1 Kings 3:4-15               
   God appears to Solomon in a dream and grants him wealth, honor and long life because he chooses wisdom as a gift.

1 Kings 3:16-28            
       Solomon decides a matter between two prostitutes and his fame spreads far and wide because of his judgment.

1 Kings 9                       
       Solomon builds the Temple for God.

1 Kings 9:2-6                
       God warns Solomon not to turn away from serving him, or Solomon would have to suffer the consequences.

1 Kings 10:1-13            
       The queen of Sheba visits Solomon to test his wisdom and wealth and ends up marveling at both.

1 Kings 11:1-3              
       Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines and this displeases the Lord.

1 Kings 11:9-13            
       God decides to divide up the kingdom from the line of David.

1 Kings 11:14-40          
      The last few years of Solomon's reign is fraught with troubles.

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