Monday, January 14, 2019

Engaging Culture in an Ever-Changing World

Our next session of seven lesson will focus on our culture and the ever-changing nature of popular opinions.  

Fashions, music, even language constantly change from generation to generation, but somethings should not change like truth, ethics, and morality.

This study leads us to stand in the face of culture and engage it with God's unchanging truth.  The principles God calls us to follow are his Word and these are the very truths that make life rich and full. Click on the link to read the Bible passage for the lesson named.

Session 1     When Races Collide
     Anticipate date:  Jan. 20, 2019

Session 2     When Life is Expendable
     Anticipate date:  Jan. 27, 2019

Session 3     When Circumstances Overwhelm
     Anticipate date:  Feb. 3, 2019

Session 4     When Substances Take Over
     Anticipate date:  Feb. 10, 2019

Session 5     When Marriage is Questioned
     Anticipate date:  Feb. 17, 2019

Session 6     When Materialism Consumes
     Anticipate date:  Feb. 24, 2019

Session 7     When False Religions Deceive
     Anticipate date:  Mar. 3, 2019

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