Sunday, February 14, 2016

God Goals 2020

1) Have a church mission partnership in Central America, South America, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, South Asia, and East Asia that will involve some combination of giving, going, and praying. Each partnership will also have a unique focus. This is an opportunity to reach the nations with the Good News of Jesus Christ and to do so in unique ways. For example, we already have a partnership in Honduras (Central America) uniquely focused on food distribution, construction, and evangelism. We also already have a partnership in Colombia (South America) uniquely focused on serving orphans and evangelism.

2) Be a sponsoring church for a church start in North America (United States or Canada). At this point, I’m not sensing that this church start will happen in Brenham/Washington County. Instead, it will happen somewhere else in North America. 

3) Build Phase One of our relocation without debt.

4) Adopt the local BISD school with the most challenges and partner with them (while maintaining boundaries) in such a way that we bless teachers and staff and provide mentors. We will know we are making an impact when test scores go up and absenteeism and discipline problems go down.  

5) We will see more lost people coming to faith in Jesus Christ and will average at least one baptism per Sunday by 2020. 

6) We will call a full-time Pastor of Retirees. He will assist in providing pastoral care and will work to equip retirees to be missionaries locally, in North America, and internationally. The dream is that one of the reasons people will want to retire to Brenham is so that they can be a part of what God is doing in and through Brenham’s First Baptist Church. This is also about a strategic focus of reaching the numerous retirees, mostly baby boomers, who are retiring to Brenham. I believe our church is uniquely placed and resourced to be a church that reaches retirees.  

7) There will be no missing generations in our church, and we will begin to reflect more of the ethnic diversity of Brenham. This means that we will be a church full of children, youth, young adults, middle age adults, and senior adults. As we move forward, my prayer is that we reach all generations and not neglect any of them. I also pray that we will begin to reflect more of the ethnic diversity of Brenham. 


In Matthew 25 we read of the parable of the king:  

35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

How will we feed those who hunger for God?
How will we offer drink to those who are thirsty for truth?
How will we be more hospitable?
How will be care for the destitute?
How will we assist the sick?

How will we reach those in prison, those held captive by that which keeps them locked away from God?

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