Monday, January 25, 2016

Jan. 31, 2016: God Speaks to You

On Sunday Jan. 10, 2016 we begin Seven Truths of Experiencing God Sunday Bible Study Series

From January 10th through February 21st every class will be studying the 7 Truths from Experiencing God, and every department (Preschool-Adult) will work through material written by our ministerial staff.

Over the past three weeks we’ve seen:
1. God is always at work around us.
2. God pursues a continuing love relationship with us that is real and personal.
3. God invites us to become involved in His work.

Today, we will take the next step in our series of Experiencing God Truths. Truth #4 is God speaks by the Holy Spirit through the Bible, prayer, circumstances, and the church to reveal Himself, His purpose, and His ways.

Read Exodus 3:1

Read Exodus 3:2-6

Read Exodus 3:7-10

Read Exodus 3:11-14

Read Exodus 4:10-12

  • What did God reveal about Himself in these passages?
  • How does Holy Spirit help us in hearing God’s message?
  • What did God reveal about His purpose?
  • What did God reveal about His ways in the passages we read this morning?
  • How has God spoken to you through the Bible?
  • How has God spoken to you through prayer?
  • How has God spoken to you through circumstances?
Note: God can use circumstances to speak to us. However, what He says must be consistent with the message of the Bible. God will never speak contrary to what He says in the Bible. We must be very careful about reading too much into circumstances.

  • How has God spoken to you through the church?
Note: we must apply the same note above to this question.
  • When does God speak to you the most? Place? Time? Are we setting aside time to listen?
Spiritual markers are defined as times in your life when you have been especially aware of God’s leading and changing the course of your life.
  • What have been the spiritual markers of your faith journey?
  • At each of those markers, how did God speak to you?
  • Is there anything God is saying to your right now?

Dare in prayer: Ask God to show Himself to you this week. When He does show up and speak, ask for the courage to obey.

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