Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Demons – Sept. 13, 2017

Ever had a hex placed on you?  How about a curse?  In Mark we read of a father and son facing a demonic attack.

Jesus had taken Peter, James and John to witness his transfiguration.  Meanwhile the father and son asked the remaining disciples to drive out the demon.  They had done it before, but could not do it this time.  Why?

Jesus returned, drove out the demon and proceeded to explain why the disciples alone had not been able to.  It is a powerful lesson in faith.

Mark 9:17-29

The Screwtape Letters, written by C. S. Lewis is a fictional collection of letters written from an experienced demon to his less-experienced nephew.  Written from a Christian worldview, each letter offers advice and strategies for temptation and corruption of a human "patient."  It demonstrates that there is a strategy followed by "unholy spirits."  Jesus teaches that faith and prayer fill us with the Holy Spirit and drive the "unholy spirits" away.

Some takeaways from this week's study:
  • Demons and demon possession are real.  It is certainly possible for a person to be occupied by an "unholy spirit" if she or he is not occupied by the "holy spirit of God."
  • Not all physical suffering is a result of "unholy spirits."
  • The goal of demon activity is to dehumanize us, destroy our normal lives, kill us, and distract us from God, making us unfit for God's holy service.  [The goal of a prisoner of war is the same.  POW Code of Conduct:  1) I am fighting in the forces which guard my way of life.  I am prepared to give my life in their defense. 2) I will never surrender of my own free will.  3) If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available.  I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape...]
  • When we are in distress and afflicted, Jesus moves close to us because he loves us, has compassion and helps us.
  • Only Jesus has the authority to defeat the demonic.
  • Demons have no authority over Jesus.
  • Demonic power has no real and final authority over human life.  What is necessary is faith and trust in the power of Jesus.
  • Christ has authority over all things, and we are to trust him to work on our behalf.
  • We are never so powerful or spiritual that we can live without utter dependence upon Jesus.
  • Jesus is our source of strength, confidence and power to overcome the darkness.
  • Faith is revealed through prayer, which in turn strengthens our faith.  

Breakfast:  Angela Dalrymple


  • Those in need as a result of hurricane Harvey.
  • Those in need because of loss.  Awareness of HOW to help.

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