Saturday, August 26, 2017

The Dark Side– Sept. 3, 2017, Satan

The Dark Side

The battle is on.  Join the fight!

As followers of Christ we are in the middle of a conflict that has been raging for thousands of years–whether we are aware of it or not.  Ours is a spiritual battle field; it is critical for us to know the stakes.

Anyone with military experience will tell you the value of knowing your enemy and determining what you are up against.  In this study we'll take a deeper look at the truth about Satan, demons, and the pervasive evil associated with the paranormal world.  Yes, those are dark subjects, but they're also critical for those of us who need to know what we're up against.

Thankfully, this study will also examine everything we've been given in Christ to stand against the forces of evil.  We don't need to be afraid!  In fact, through the truth of who we are in Christ and the armor he has made available to us, we can stand confidently against the devil's schemes.

Yes, Satan is mighty, but our God is ALMIGHTY!


We can't deny evil exists.  It's all around us.  

Over 250,000 people were cruelly imprisoned in the Nazi concentration camp known as Buchenwald.   Conservative estimates put the death toll between 40 and 50 thousand innocents.  Seeing the ovens left little to the imagination, but it was the shoes of the countless children who died that hit me with the harsh reality of evil.

Unfortunately, evil isn't something we just see in fiction.  It is most clearly seen in the one who seeks to inspire it:  Satan.  Revelation shows us exactly who this Satan is.  Thankfully it also tells us of Satan's defeat. 

In Revelation John's vision is crystal clear about several key truths:  God remains sovereign, he brings redemption to its complete fulfillment and his internal kingdom is firmly established and Christ is our Victorious king.

Another certainty is Satan's defeat.  Satan no longer has any right to be in heaven, the place where Jesus "has been exalted to the right hand of God."  But the devil doesn't go down without a fight.  He still want's to destroy us – See John 8:44.

Satan works to confuse us and deceive us; to ruin our lives and spiritual vitality.  He works to get us to see things from our distorted human perspective rather than with our hearts devoted to the honor and glory of our Creator.  Therefore Christ followers must be ever vigilant and keep our focus on God and God's plans and purposes rather than our own desire.


  1. We are in a fierce spiritual battle – suffering is to be expected and prepared for in advance.
  2. The unseen realm with angels and demons is real.
  3. God has already won the victory over "the Satan" and his angels; therefore we can stand our ground with confidence. "The Satan" is like a prisoner of war who seeks to trick the guards and other prisoners to see that his own wishes are accomplished.
  4. Our enemy seeks to destroy us through deception – believing God's truth is crucial to victory.

"Devil" is not a personal name.  "Satan" is not a personal name either.  These are titles that describe the evil body of work of our enemy.  Diabolos refers to someone who slanders and accuses.  Satan not only seeks to deceive, but he also seeks to accuse us, just as he did in God's word:  Job 1:9-11 and Zechariah 3:1.

Because of Christ we have an advocate–someone who stands with us against Satan's accusations:  Zechariah 3:2; Luke 22:31-32; 1 John 2:1.


  1. Satan is real, as are the demonic forces that wage against Christ and his church.  However, these evil forces are NOT equal to God the father, his Son, Jesus Chris, nor the Holy Spirit.
  2. Satan is a liar and a deceiver.  He does not "live in reality" but rather seeks to question reality, build an alternative reality, or just plain cause one to question reality.  We would do well to drown out his lying words by attending to the voice of God, especially his words found in scripture.

Satan may be powerful, but God is all-powerful.  Satan is a created being with limitations.  He is CERTAINLY no equal with God.  Best of all he is already defeated!

John 12:31-32 tells us that that Jesus has already secured the victory of Satan.  Our redemption and our relationship with the victor is eternally secure: Romans 8:33-34.  

Satan knows that his time is short, that's why he stays after us, and why we need to stay vigilant.  Satan may attack us, but we can resist him daily by lifting up Jesus in our lives and dying to our old selves.  No more darkness; no more bondage:  John 8:12.  We can stand against Satan because we CAN stand in Christ.


  1. Satan is neither omniscient nor omnipresent.  He is not the evil counterpart to God; he is a limited being who has already been defeated in Heaven and will be completely defeated in the future. 
  2. Those who call upon Jesus and trust him, even in the face of threat, have hope that they will live through catastrophe, even it if costs them everything.
  3. We overcome evil in our lives as we die to our self and our own wills and follow Christ completely.
  4. We experience Victory in Jesus ♬.

What can you do this week?  
  • Confess – Turn from sin and give Satan no grounds for accusations in your life.  Place your trust in Christ.  Live in reality.  Be honest with yourself and share your weaknesses and errors with God and learn from them.
  • Read –  Make Scripture reading a daily habit.  Let the truth of Scripture fill your mind rather than the deceit and lies of Satan.  Test every thought to see how it stands against the truth of Christ in his word.  Learn.
  • Speak – When you see others living in false guilt because of Satan's lies, point to the victory they can have in Christ.  Lead them to embrace the truth and walk in victory. Testify to what you know and have experienced.   Be truthful and honest in order to counter the lies and deceptions of "the Satan."
Don't fall into the trap of believing that evil as an entity doesn't exist.  Don't believe that it only impacts the world in far away places.  Satan is a clear and present danger to God's people, but it is our status AS God's people that means we can claim the victory that he has already won.

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